Fourth International Instructional Technologies & Teacher Education Symposium
Venue: Firat University, Education Faculty, Building A Block
Main Accommodation Facility
Ramada Otel
Exclusive rates for Ramada Hotel for symposium participants
Ramada Hotel Web page:
Ramada Hotel Phone Number: 0 (424) 247 99 99
Note: Interested participants who want to stay at Ramada Hotel should contact [email protected] via email or phone number 0 (424) 237 00 00 /4914
AkgÜn Hotel (Unfortunately no rooms left)
Exclusive rates for Akgün Hotel for symposium participants
AkgÜn Hotel Web Page:
AkgÜn Hotel Phone Number: 0424 248 20 00
Note: Interested participants who want to stay at Akgun Hotel should contact [email protected] via email or phone number 0 (424) 237 00 00 /4914
Guesthouses* |
Websites |
Firat University |
Please contact with 0 (424) 237 00 00 /4914 for booking |
Elazığ Ogretmenevi |
0 424 233 24 11 |
Elazig Polisevi |
Hotels |
Websites |
Ramada Hotel (4 Star) |
Gulbey Hotel (4 Star) |
Marathon Hotel (4 Star) |
Akar Hotel (3 Star) |
Contact to ITTES 2016 for other options
* Other alternative guest-houses such as Orman Bölge Mudurluğu, Karayolları Misafirhanesi
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