Prof. H. Ferhan Odabasi is a faculty member of Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology. She has an MA in English language education and a Ph.D. in educational technology. She has offered several undergraduate and graduate courses on English language education and educational technology. She has supervised several PhD dissertations, published many articles in both national and international peer-reviewed periodicals, supervised and actively took part in national and international research projects, and prepared educational software. She developed “Hypervocab” with Steve Neufeld, and received the European Academic Software Award: Best Software in the Field of Language. She has been the pioneer in Turkey to integrate educational technology into special education. She conducts research on safe, responsible and effective use of ICTs by children and families; parental awareness on Internet; professional development of teachers and higher education faculty; transformations stemming from the digital world; digital citizenship and ICT integration at K-12 and higher education institutions. She has been the primary national figure to resort to regarding safe, effective and ethical use of ICTs among children.
Please visit the following URL for further information:
“ Digital life of children: what are our responsibilities? “
Digital life of children is thought to be a concern for parents and teachers mainly. However academicians should carry responsibilities for gaining productive, safe, and competent “digital citizens.” This presentation covers the issues regarding academicians concerns on digital life of children within the their dual role of teaching and research.
Dr. Tristan E. Johnson is the Executive Director of Engineering Education Initiatives in the Graduate School of Engineering at Northeastern University. He is also the Research Editor-in-Chief for the Educational Technology Research and Development Journal. He was previously Assistant Professor of Instructional Systems, Associate Director for Research at the Learning Systems Institute at Florida State University, and Assistant Professor of Educational Technology at Purdue University. He has served as the President for the Training and Performance Division of the Association of Educational Communications and Technologies.
“Academic Publishing Opportunities and Strategies:The Peer Review for Educational Technology Research and Development Journal”
In this presentation, the Research Editor-in-chief discuss the operations of the journal along with strategies for publishing including the focus of the three sections (Research, Development, and Regional and Cultural Perspectives). He will discuss some of the common challenges and outline basic techniques to deal with these challenges. In addition he will discuss the criteria and selection for editorial consultants and editorial board members. Timelines and criteria will be presented for the journal awards including the Young Scholar Award, Distinguished Development Award, and Outstanding Reviewer Awards. Lastly, they will present the details for selection of the special issues.
Prof. Halil Ibrahim Yalin is a faculty member of Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology. He has supervised several PhD dissertations, published many articles in both national and international peer-reviewed periodicals, supervised and actively took part in national and international research projects.
What is / isn’t technology integration?
Technology is continuously, and rapidly, evolving. It is an ongoing process and demands continual learning. So, it is important to first define what "technology integration" actually means. The keynote includes, technology integration tools, examples and discussions about this area.
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